Toplanabilen doldurulmus kartpostallar arasindan en positif ve eglenceli icerikli olanlari posterde kullanilmak uzere tasarimci tarafindan secildi. Alt kisimda bulunan koparilabilen bolumde kadin ve insan haklari konusunda calisan kurumlarin ad ve adresleri yer almakta. Daha fazla bilgi icin lutfen Ev Gercekleri Nedir'e gidiniz. Posters have the same postcard images with additional text and information. First of all they serve as the voice of the people on the streets by including their actual responses to the postcards with their own handwriting. Secondly it's interactive in two ways: by including the real peoples responses and by the tear-off pieces including the information of the organizations which might help you with human and women's rights issues and for legal consultancy. The posters are the most positive and humorous of all responses selected by the designer. For more information please go to What's Home Truths. They all include the following text: The Turkish Civil Code has been revised on January 1st, 2002. |