Nazli, ismi gibi, narin, kirilgan, zarif yetistirildi. Orta direk bir ailenin küçük kiziydi... Ucak muhendisligi okumak, futbol oynamak istedi, erkek isi dediler. Birkac kez flört etti, erkek gibi davranamazsin dediler, kendine gel...Uzun sure çiktigi çocukla evlendi nihayet çünkü öyle gerekiyordu. Bosandi ailesi perisan oldu, utanç duymalari bekleniyordu. Yeni ve mutlu giden bir iliskisi oldugunda erkek tarafi bosanmis oldugu icin istemedi onu. Havayollarinda hosteslik yapmaya basladi onu taciz etmeyi haklari saydilar. Sonunda cocuklari oldu isini birakip evde oturmasi saglik verildi, öyle beklendi. Genis kalçalari ve göbeginden utandi, uzun saçlariyla gurur duydu, oylesinden hoslandilar çünkü....Erkek dogsaydi ona Kaan diyeceklerdi.
Kaan, adi gibi, sultan, hükümdar gibi yetistirildi... Orta direk bir ailenin küçük oglu...Sanat okumak istedi, kadin isi dediler. Dans dersi almak istedi, onu kizlar yapar dediler. Isinden nefret etti ama eve bakip para getirmelisin dediler. Aile onurunu temizlemek için kizini dövdü - Öyle ögretilmisti. Karisinin yorgun bitap düsmesine üzüldü ama bu zaten onun isi dediler, dinledi. Küpe takip saçini uzatmayi dusunmedi bile onaylamazlardi. Kellesen basindan utanip killi gögsüyle gurur duydu... Kiz dogsaydi ismi Nazli olacakti...
Daha fazla bilgi icin lutfen Ev Gercekleri Nedir'e gidiniz.
The descriptive text about the two characters which is placed on the paper doll is as follows:
Nazli, like her name suggests, was brought up delicate, coy... She was the younger daughter of a lower middle-class family. She wanted to study airplane engineering and play soccer. They said "that's what boys do". She dated more than once they said "she's acting like a boy--she has to behave". She got married to the man she dated for a long time because she had to. She divorced and her family was devastated because they were expected to be ashamed. She wanted to go out with a boy she liked but his family rejected her because she was a divorce. She became a flight attendant they thought they had the right to abuse her. She finally had kids and they expect her to quit her job and stay at home. She felt ashamed of her large hips and big stomach but proud of her long hair, they liked it... If she were born a boy, his name would be Kaan...
Kaan, like his name suggests, was brought up like a king, a sultan... He was the younger son of a lower middle-class family. He wanted to study art. They said "it's a female job". He wanted to go to dance classes. They said "it's what girls do". He hated his job but they said "he had to work to take care of his family and bring home money". He beat up his daughter to save the family honor because he was seeing a boy--that's what he has been told. He hated to see his wife get tired but they said "it's her job anyway", he listened. He couldn't wear an earring or grow his hair long because they didn't approve of it. He was ashamed of his bald head but proud of his hairy chest... If he were born a girl, her name would be Nazli...
For more information please go to What's Home Truths.