2002 yilinda Turkiye 75 yillik anayasasinda cagdas dunyanin bir parcasi olmak istedigini gostermek, Avrupa Birligiyle daha siki baglar kurmak ve modernlesme yolunda ilerlemek uzere kadin ve insan haklarini gelistirici yenilikler yapti. Ancak teori ve pratik daima el ele yurumuyor. Simdi caba toplumun dusunce yapisini degistirmek olmali.
EV GERCEKLERI projesi 6 parcadan olusan ve amaci merak uyandirmak, mizah ve interactivite yoluyla yeni duzenlemeler hakkinda tartisma ortami yaratmak ve bilgilendirmek olan bir kampanya. Ayni zamanda interactivite ve katilimci hikayelendirmenin tasarimda, tasarimin toplmsal alanda nasil kullanilabilicegi uzerine bir inceleme.
Ev Gercekleri Nedir? I Nazli ve Kaan I IIlgili I Kartpostallar I Posterler I T-shirt I Kagit Bebek I Tepkiler I Sergi I girlsawthesea I Temas
In 2002, Turkey revised the 75-year-old civil code to advance women's and human rights to demonstrate the willingness to be a part of a more contemporary, civilized world, to create closer ties to European Union and forward the process of modernization. But theory and practice do not always go together hand in hand. Now the effort needs to be made to transform the social mindset of our people.
The HOME TRUTHS project is a campaign consists of 6 related components aiming to create awareness, and an environment to debate about the new improvements in the human rights through curiosity, humor, and interactivity. It's an investigation of how to utilize interactivity & participatory narration in design and design in the public space.
What's Home Truths? I Nazli & Kaan I Related I Postcards I Posters I T-shirt I Paper Doll I Responses I Exhibition I girlsawthesea I Contact